Privacy Policy

1. Key Terms

   1.1. Confidential Information - any information that can be used to identify a user or their personal data.

   1.2. User - any individual who uses the NanoConnect online store and provides their personal information.

   1.3. NanoConnect Online Store - a web resource owned by the Ukrainian manufacturer of optical patch cords and pigtails, NanoConnect.

2. Contract Terms

   2.1. Collection and Use of Information:

       2.1.1. The NanoConnect online store collects and processes users' personal information to provide services and fulfill orders.

       2.1.2. Users have the right to decline providing their personal data, but this may limit access to certain store features and services.

   2.2. Information Storage:

       2.2.1. The NanoConnect online store ensures the protection of users' personal data and commits not to disclose them to third parties without user consent.

       2.2.2. Users have the right to request the removal of their personal data from the NanoConnect online store's database.

3. Registration Data and Notifications

   3.1. Registration:

       3.1.1. To use NanoConnect online store services, users may undergo a registration process, during which mandatory registration data is provided.

       3.1.2. Users commit to providing truthful and up-to-date information during the registration process.

   3.2. Notifications:

       3.2.1. The NanoConnect online store reserves the right to send users informational messages related to their orders and store promotions.

       3.2.2. Users can opt out of receiving informational messages at any time by modifying their account settings.

4. Parties' Responsibilities

   4.1. The NanoConnect online store is not responsible for any damages or issues arising from the user's utilization of store services.

   4.2. Users bear full responsibility for the accuracy of information provided during registration and for using store services.

   4.3. In case of a user violation of the terms of this privacy policy, the NanoConnect online store has the right to restrict or terminate services provided to the user.

This Privacy Policy is an integral part of the agreement between the user and the NanoConnect online store. Users should carefully review these terms before commencing the use of store services.